Math Marvels learn about surveys and develop an understanding of representative sampling. They use data from multiple samples to make estimates, and they gauge the variation and predict the accuracy of the estimates. Math Marvels compare data distributions visually, using dot plots and box plots, and numerically, using measures of center and variability. Math Marvels are introduced to the formal study of probability and learn to describe probability in words and with numbers between 0 and 1. They explore experimental probability and use their knowledge of ratios to describe the outcomes of an experiment. Math Marvels learn about theoretical probability, use it to make predictions, and compare the results of experiments to the predictions. They develop strategies including organized lists, tables, and tree diagrams, to find the probability of compound events.
- Random Samples
- Statistical Inferences
- Using Mean and MAD to compare data
- Central Measures and Variability to compare data
- Understand Probability
- Experimental and Theoretical Probability
- Probability Models
- Probability of Compound Events